Neil Warnock hits at Chelsea Players for Influencing Refree

One month ago, Crystal Palace battled off against Chelsea in a Premier League match that finished in a 2-1 victory for Jose Mourinho and his team but there was an incident which occurred after the conclusion of the match that has affected the coach of Crystal Palace, Neil Warnock.

According to Neil Warnock, the referee of that match Craig Pawson was influenced by the players of Chelsea in the decision of sending off the player of Crystal Palace Damiel Delaney who received a 2nd yellow card and was later removed from the pitch.

During the match, Chelsea had to play with 10 men on the pitch after Cesar Azpilicueta received a straight red card at the 40th minute and Crystal Palace’s Neil Warnock that the Chelsea players influenced in some way the decision of the referee Craig Pawson as he displayed a 2nd yellow card to Damiel Delaney and then tied the circumstances on the pitch as both teams had to play with 10 men.

Neil Warnock released these accusations after the match was completed and he has now been fined.

A statement from the FA read: “Following an Independent Regulatory Commission hearing today Wednesday 5 November 2014, Crystal Palace manager Neil Warnock has been find £9,000 for misconduct in relation to post-match media comments’’

“Warnock was charged following media comments he made after the game against Chelsea on 18 October 2014 which the FA alleged implied the match referee was motivated by bias; and/or brought the game into disrepute.The charge, which Warnock denied at a personal hearing, was found proven and he was also warned as to his future conduct.”

After receiving the news about his fine, Neil Warnock stated that from now on, he will have to be ‘’boring’’ on his interviews and give nothing interesting for the journalists to write about.

“I’m going to be boring from now on and give you guys (the media) nothing to write about. I know journalists appreciate my comments but they’re not the ones who pay the fines. I have to watch what I say’’ Neil Warnock told the media.